As you may have heard, Britney Spears will celebrate her 27th birthday December 2nd on Good Morning America – and, oh-so-coincidentally, her album drops the same day.
Check out the video below to see her blowing out the candles in a promo for what will undoubtedly be a ratings juggernaut. Go on, I’ll wait.
What’d you think? It smelled a bit of Mouseketeer, no? Chirpy-happy? Eager to please?
It’s a strange time for Brit. They’re trying to bring her back by reminding her fans of the allure in the first place. Musically, that means ‘Womanizer’ – sexy and strong and not that original but who cares because it’s been secretly, delightfully in your head since the first time you heard it.
But in ‘person’, she’s doing sweet-cutesy Brit. Because it’s easy, we’re familiar with that girl. Because we nodded sagely at that clip from the upcoming MTV doc where she wonders “What was I thinkin’?”
But isn’t this kind of the problem? When I was younger, I interned at a music countdown show. I remember when Britney came in the very first time, 15 years old, wearing that leather jacket she wore in all her interviews. She addressed everyone, including 17-year-old me, as “Ma’am”.
It’s the mouseketeer in her. I know you think it’s the south, but the south only teaches the word. It’s the hungry, Disneyfied mouseketeer, the child entertainer, who has to smile pretty, be nicenicenice to everyone, and defer all the time. Defer to everyone knowing better than you, being older than you, better able to make choices about your life. We know the comeback is being uber-carefully managed, that Brit is keeping close counsel with Larry Rudolph and cohorts. Which is great. But as I watch her blow out the candles and glance imperceptibly offscreen to see if she did it right, so incredibly childlike and eager to please….
I wonder how it’s going to be different this time.
December 2nd, yeah so I’m waking up early and watching the whole thing.
Photos attached of Britney leaving dance studio yesterday with her abs back.
Photos from
Post by Duana