I remember during TIFF there would be these emails flying around about a possible Bruce Springsteen party. He came to the festival to promote his documentary The Promise: The Making of Darkness On The Edge of Town. Because, obviously, if there’s any party you want to be at... well... that’s the one, right? I mean everyone wants to be able to boast about “being latenight at xyz when Bruce jammed impromptu for a crowd of only 300”, or something like that. Am pretty sure it never happened, or maybe I was too lame to be invited.
Anyway, I did post photos though of his arrival at the gala and many of you wrote to say if there are ever any more, that I should do more. So here he is in London tonight at The Promise premiere. No doubt everyone is scrambling about a possible party there too.
Below: the trailer for The Promise and a 3 minute clip. On HBO. Who will they make docs like this about in 30 years from this generation? Or I’m just an old fart.
Photos from Wenn.com and Reimschuessel/Splashnewsonline.com