My favourite moment of the night… Cameron Diaz and Liv Tyler walked up opposite sides of the stairs, they saw each other just before the main doors and started jumping up and down, giggling, squealing, hugging – I hate to use this word but, really, it really was precious.

About Cam – not crazy about her dress but the colour just popped. I mean POPPED. And especially with the turquoise accessories… Lara and I moaned a little over the accessories. She never goes wrong with accessories.

As for Liv… in this case I think the pictures flatter the reality. In reality the dress was actually rather dowdy. And the makeup was a bit mature, made her look easily 10 years older. But Liv in person? You love her on sight. Everyone loves her on sight. Easily the most authentic smile of the night – it’s cheesy, I’m sorry, am totally Celine Dion right now but she lights up your life. Vomit a little, go ahead. But some people just make your heart warm and even for a nasty bitch like me, Liv Tyler is truly irresistible.