Awwww… Cammie D and Paul Sculfor, Jennifer Aniston’s ex boyfriend-for-hire, bundled up walking hand in hand in New York. They’ve been together 6 months now? She was manslingling for a while, there were even a few nights with John Mayer too, before settling into her first serious relationship post-Pip.
And in sharp contrast to Pip, we’ve not been treated to weekly photographic documentation of the progression of her new serious relationship either.
Sightings of Cam this fall have been few and far between. She’s not working, not promoting, so she’s been able to lay low, even in LA, even in NYC. And don’t tell me Cammie isn’t a big star. She’s a huge star. She’s a big star and her pictures always sell. And still she’s able to disappear for weeks at a time.
It’s not only possible…it’s actually not even that hard.
Photos from