Cameron Diaz and Alex Rodriguez hit the gym together in New York the other day. The MLB season is officially underway. So she’s fangirl #1, hoping to finally prove that her love can be just as winning as Kate Hudson’s.

Just look at the support. It’s all over her face.

I adore you. You’re so great. You’re the best. You’re better than everyone. I’m so lucky. Do you feel the same?

(or am I only dreaming, is this burning, an eternal flame????)

That just popped into my head, sorry.

Anyway, as you know, Cammie and ARod are all over being fit together. Like hard. Many of you have remarked that it’s not so much that you have a problem with the cutness of her arms, but that you think she’s doing it to please him. Word.

But l love that little workout jacket with the shoulders. Having it might help me feel better about what Hayley’s sending me away with to Barbados. She emailed it to me last night, I almost threw up reading it.

5 minute incline power walk
Active warmup
4 x 1 minute @ 7.0 1.5% with 20 seconds rest

20 burpees (with 1 squat between each burpee)
20 pushups
20 pulls ups
20 jumping lunges (each side so 40 total)
1 min front plank

4 x 1 minute @ 7.5/1.5% with 20 seconds rest

15 burpees (with 1 squat between each burpee)
15 pushups
15 pullups
15 jumping lunges (30)
1 minute front plank

4 x 1 minute @ 8.0/1.5% with 20 seconds rest

10 burpees (with 1 squat between each burpee)
10 pushups
10 pullups
10 jumping lunges (20)
1 minute front plank

4 x 1 minute @ 8.5

5 burpees (with 1 squat between each burpee)
5 pushups
5 pullups
5 jumping lunges (10)
1 minute front plank


Photos from INF