Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps opens this coming weekend. The cast has been in New York a few days, will be making the press rounds for a final push to take down Ben Affleck’s The Town, or both could get taken down by the owls in Legends of the Guardian. To read my review of WSMNS from Cannes, please click here. Like I said, it’s a mess. But a really, really watchable one. You should go.

In support of the film’s release, the cast, without Michael Douglas, came together this morning to ring the opening bell at the NASDAQ. Douglas is expected to walk the carpet at the premiere. For now though, the sales responsibility falls on the shoulders of Josh Brolin and the young lovers Carey Mulligan and Shia LaBeouf. Am obsessed.

Shia looks GOOD. Very, very good. And Carey looks great, really, really great, especially in red lips. Please just one shot of the two of them side by side at the screening tonight. Just one.

Photos from Wenn.com