It appears they are.

Carey Mulligan has split from Shia LaBeouf. She is living at a budget Best Western. She’s been seen in and out of the place with Tom Sturridge. He was with her after the Hollywood Awards the other night. They left together in a cab. Yesterday they went grocery shopping. She drove.

You know I have always loved her. Now I love her even more. Because they were saying she was all boo hoo and sad. They were painting her as That Girl. That Girl who mopes from a broken heart. And she decided to answer them with a hot new hook up.

What? Me? Wallow? Never.

Why would you wallow with cute Tom Sturridge around? My girl does not wallow. At least she wouldn’t let us see it. Shia on the other hand, well, he might be wallowing. He should be. I heard that at the end he was a sh-t to her. More details later. For now, just know, she never wronged him.

It would be nice to see Tom Sturridge in more movies though. And this small detail is why I’m not entirely 100% convinced that he and Carey are a legitimate couple just yet. First because she’s so fresh off her split, but also because there’s such great potential for some favour sharing here. It’s what friends do for each other. Not that it wouldn’t be so cute and adorable and amazing if it were actually true, but this is Hollywood right? You have to at least consider the possibility of a plan.

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