What happened to Carey and Tom? Look, she’s 25. She just came off the most significant romance of her life. She’s allowed to have a rebound friend. We’re all allowed a rebound friend. Hopefully they ended their rebound friendship on good terms. Because if not, she’s cocking up some other bonds too.
It looks like Eddie Redmayne is Carey’s new boyfriend. She was never seen holding hands with Tom. She was holding hands with Eddie in New York this weekend. Carey has known Eddie for a while. At least a few years. The British young actors’ circuit, you know. Eddie worked with Tom on a film in 2006. He also knows Kristen Stewart from a film he made with her in 2008. Stewart is dating Robert Pattinson, Tom’s best friend. So it could all be really great and comfortable and guitars around the campfire, or, well, it could be a f-cking mess.
Needless to say, messes are always good for gossip. Young messes are great for gossip. But then again, these kids with their inter-circle friend dating, maybe in this modern era, that doesn’t qualify as mess-inducing anymore.
Anyway, your next question is going to be – Eddie or Tom, who’s cuter?
Well… they’re both a little on the delicate side, but for me, definitely Tom. Because Eddie can sometimes look… sickly. Right? I mean, he’s come a long way, sure, but that’s not the most robust looking fellow. Or maybe I’m just holding Angel against him. Have you seen the BBC’s Tess of the D’Urbervilles? Tess is probably one of my top 5 favourite repeat reads, and also one of my top 5 difficult reads. I read Tess maybe once every two years. Every time I do, I dread the end. It doesn’t get much suckier than how bad the sh-t sucks for Tess. And while I might be missing the point, though I think that is the point, from my first reading of the book at 14, I have always hated Angel. Angel goes on. Angel’s suffering is not forever. Angel gets to experience others without scorn. Angel was bound by his time, yes, but he was also a weak f-ck. I see Eddie and I see Angel. Perhaps that’s not exactly fair. But until he has a more defining role (and Pillars of the Earth, let’s be honest, wasn’t very good), for me he’s still Angel.
Also attached – Eddie at the Producers’ Guild Awards last week.
Photos from Wenn.com and Alberto E. Rodriguez/Gettyimages.com and Ramey