Canadian Idol’s Carly Rae Jepsen was just signed to Justin Bieber’s label. It’s a big deal. It’s an even bigger deal when Justin, his gf, and all their friends pretty much make your video. Please.

Sasha’s in Mexico on holiday with her husband. Apparently, per Twitter, they just got dreadlocks...? If she were here though, if she were at home, she and I would be playing this over and over and over for each other. Dance parties at home! We’ve been known to get together for a dance party or two at home. Sasha and her old roommates Amy and Dean used to host some awesome dance parties in their apartment. And our friend Dan Levy used to host proper dance party parties every few months or so in a small cramped pub somewhere with no techo beats and a lot of Kelly Clarkson.

Here’s Carly Rae leaving Vancouver yesterday for LA where she’s expected to meet with all the big music executives, well on her way.

PS. Yes, this is now on my running playlist.