This is for Sarah who wrote yesterday that she’s turning 28 today and is hoping for some extra Jon Hamm/Ben Affleck coverage when they arrive in Toronto for TIFF this weekend.
Let’s get started then with the two of them in Venice. They’re promoting The Town which screened at the festival last night to solid reviews, as critics continue to be impressed by Affleck’s direction, many of them noting that he is developing a sure eye, and especially a gift for telling a story set in a specific neighbourhood, when the community becomes a driving force in the narrative.
So no...The Town does not suck. And Affleck and Co should be in very good spirits when hit their next stop. They were in great spirits last night at the premiere and while, obviously, this first photograph attached was clearly taken during conversation, it’s a good one to use your imagination on. They’re both so handsome and handsome in the same way, non? Similar stock, similar colouring, dimpled jaws... and they look like they enjoy each other’s company, or at least they turned it on for the cameras last night.
Aaaaand...then there’s Jeremy Renner. Of the many great faces. Like the tag-along odd little brother with the crazy outbursts. Did you know about It Factor? Alex sent this note yesterday (thanks Alex!) following my article about Renner giving off the freak vibe:
Saw your post on Jeremy Renner, it made me remember him from the show "It Factor" which was on Bravo a few years ago (2003 says IMDB). I was OBSESSED with the show and watched it every week and the only one of the actors I remember from that show was Jeremy Renner. I remember a few times wondering about him and thinking he must have made it and when the Hurt Locker came out it was like "oh yeah! the It Factor, that's how I know him". Anyway, long story short, if you think there's crazy there - there definitely seemed to be on the It Factor. He was charismatic and charming and you could sense he was probably really talented (hence he was the only one that seemed like a possibility to make it) but he talked about masturbating to pictures of dead bodies to get into the right head space for Dahmer, which struck me as a bit much and perhaps a bit crazy (certainly to admit it on a reality show before you're famous - although i remember it so maybe it worked, who knows).
Next thing you know James Franco is going to start saying he jerked off to pictures of severed limbs to prepare for 127 Hours. Method.
Photos from and and Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Andreas Rentz/ALBERTO PIZZOLI/