Dude in the glasses is so stoked. He’s texted this photo to his entire contact list.


Good point, Josh Duhamel. (And maybe they should be also focusing on domestic violence awareness and services.)


Yeah, we're all aware of breast cancer. What are you doing to cure it?

A photo posted by Josh Duhamel (@joshduhamel) on


Lena Dunham’s reproductive sweater, which she later auctioned off for Planned Parenthood, should be Lenny Letter’s first e-commerce offering. It would sell out in a flash.


Yes we know you’ll be fine, Blake. No one is that worried.


Edward Norton  (with Bennett Miller and Brett Ratner) for the three of you who care (like me!).


#NewYork hang with #BennettMiller and #EdwardNorton

A photo posted by brett ratner (@brettrat) on


Um, I need audio for this. Did he think he was calling his ex? Remember when Amber punked Tyrese? But she must know him and have his number, otherwise it would show up as a number and not a name. The mystery!


A photo posted by Amber Tamblyn (@amberrosetamblyn) on


Amanda Seyfried looks good on Skype – I always look like I’m victim #3 in a horror movie and have no idea the killer is standing behind me.


#skype @lizcaplan

A photo posted by Amanda Seyfried (@mingey) on


Squad subtext: we’re the new Naomi/Cindy/Christy/Kate/Linda. Balmain is their Versace. Does that make Bad Blood their Freedom?