A camel coat is fine, a camel coat on Sienna feels a bit like underachieving.

That engagement ring though… doesn’t get cooler.


Married to rock n roll. And the Rivington Rebels. I love u guys

A photo posted by Lady Gaga (@ladygaga) on

Aaron writes a thank you note to his exes – um, who was the crazy one?

Car seats are so heavy and awkward that even a retired professional athlete walks funny when he’s carrying one.


Lady porn.

A photo posted by Brooklyn Decker (@brooklyndecker) on

Lenny Kravitz, Lee Daniels, Denzel Washington, Laurence Fishburne, George Clinton and WWE’s Big Show are laughing about something, and we will never know what.

These shoes are a nightmare. She should fire her stylist.


Aaaaaaaand they're off............

A photo posted by Kylie Minogue (@kylieminogue) on

Sorry but I’m a cooking snob, and this is one bunk mise en place.


A lasagna for @therealangelopagan is about to go down. And this is how the magic begins. #PrepItRight

A photo posted by Leah Remini (@leahremini) on

I love how Drake jumps right in. F-cking adorable.


Demarjay knows when that hotline bling. @champagnepapi

A video posted by Ellen (@theellenshow) on