Maybe Johnny Depp could become a sommelier to earn some extra cash on the side.

Pajiba has a list of “45 pop culture facts no one denies” so obviously we can fight about it until the end of time. Like entry number 3: “In 25 years, Emma Stone will be considered a classic movie star. Anna Kendrick and Chris Pratt will have been mostly forgotten.” I mean… maybe?

Blake and Leighton wouldn’t return, but do you think Chace and Ed would consider a Gossip Girl reboot? I’d do it as a “6 month one-off” period with Nate and Chuck in LA, but keep them in the same timeline as Gossip Girl. I’m not too worried about continuity and the storyline making sense because look who they made Gossip Girl – the writers obviously didn’t care, either.


I call this look "tourist workout chic" #fw2017

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Courtney Love is super into Riverdale.

Ms. Tina has posted a few videos from Gail King’s office. Don’t ever think they don’t know how obsessed people are with her, how important the announcement was at this moment. And I really hope Ms. Tina shows up at the office to surprise Joseph one day.

Would you let a friend borrow a blazer? Arsenio wants to borrow Anthony Anderson’s jacket.

This morning, Sarah started a group email thread with the Ansel Elgort video. I made it to 1:30 and as of yet, no one else has responded. (I’m guessing because everyone is mad at Sarah for sending the Ansel Elgort music video.) (Lainey: I’m having a good day! I don’t want to ruin it!)


#Thief Official Music Video LINK IN BIO 😈❤️💥

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