Joan Rivers would have loved the GOP debate – Bette made me think of her.

Reese gushing over Jessica Alba and The Honest Co. – but will she use the sunscreen on her kids?


Sadly, I could totally follow this Hadid/Foster/Jenner family tree explanation.


Lena Dunham is all about the Japanese jersey.


Japanese jersey collection growing steadily #Gentle #Velvet #Power #Tokyo

A photo posted by Lena Dunham (@lenadunham) on


Chuck and Nate reunite. But wouldn’t we rather see Blair and Serena? Or actually, Chuck and Blair.


The smiley twins #wickedcity

A photo posted by Ed Westwick (@edwestwick) on


True Detective Season 3.


What a photo.

A photo posted by Mindy Kaling (@mindykaling) on