Yesterday Lainey wrote about the FNL reunion at the ATX Television Festival. You know who else was there? Josh and Donna. I feel like there’s a good number of you who will care about this.

Justin Theroux on set, not in sweatpants. Sorry to disappoint those of you who like an outline.


#bts #theleftovers πŸ‘₯ #lookmomnohandcuffs #progress

A photo posted by @justintheroux on

Great sweatshirt on Future. I’m never mad at a bird.


A photo posted by Future Hendrix (@future) on

You know your jumpsuit is a winner if you can do a high kick in it without splitting the pants.


McCarthy vs Feig #ghostbusters

A video posted by Melissa McCarthy (@melissamccarthy) on

Someone tell me where to get good chicken and waffles, and how to order and eat them. I always feel let down when I get it. I am convinced I’m doing it wrong.


How Roscoes Chicken and Waffles makes me feel @roscoesofficial

A photo posted by Chloe Grace Moretz (@chloegmoretz) on

Adam brags about his wife. Understandably.



A photo posted by Adam Levine (@adamlevine) on

Peak Broadway: Retta celebrates the Hamiltonys with an all-nighter at Tavern on the Green.

I realize I go on and on about UnREAL, but you must read this The New Yorker story by D.T. Max. It’s SO dishy and completely explains the Jeremy character, if you ever wondered why he still exists.


All new episode of UNREAL on tonight!! #unrealtv

A photo posted by Shiri Appleby (@shiriappleby) on

The most frustrating thing about Leo’s revolving door of models is that I have to follow them on Instagram to try and geo-track his escapades. Just pick a summer girlfriend already.


All the way up πŸ‘†πŸΌπŸ‘†πŸΌπŸ‘†πŸΌπŸ’‘πŸ’‘πŸ’‘

A photo posted by Nina Agdal (@ninaagdal) on