Too many years of watching rom-coms have conditioned me to hope for a “When Harry Met Sally” ending for these two. Very reductive, I know.


Happy Best Friend Day

A photo posted by Mindy Kaling (@mindykaling) on

I like seeing people’s handwriting because it’s so rare these days. Jimmy Fallon has very interesting penmanship; it’s readable but almost childlike, and he mixes capital and lower case letters. The comment section is debating whether or not the “d” looks too much like a j. I kind of like it.


I wrote a few thank you notes for tonight's show. President Barack Obama and Madonna on the show! #POTUSonFallon

A photo posted by Jimmy Fallon (@jimmyfallon) on

I legit thought Dr. Oz was Oprah’s doctor. I feel duped.

So Leo decided Beyonce show >>> Greece with Lukas Haas. Obviously.


Leonardo DiCaprio was at Bey's show in NYC last night! #FORMATIONWORLDTOUR πŸ™ŒπŸΌ

A photo posted by πŸ‹ (@thebeyonceworld) on

There is always something about Jessica Simpson that makes her look 10 years out of date, usually a wedge shoe or a low-cut top. Take for instance this photo: pants are amazing, but the matching extra large bag, hand jewellery and fuzzy accessory kill any hint of style.


Studio hag with a great bag πŸ“· @kristingram

A photo posted by Jessica Simpson (@jessicasimpson) on

OK but doesn’t “best” mean singular? Like can you have 12 best friends? It seems very non-committal.

Cindy Crawford has a great Prince anecdote that I’ve never heard before.


Remembering #Prince with Lynn Hirschberg via @WMag πŸ’‹•

A video posted by Cindy Crawford (@cindycrawford) on

Gabrielle willing Dwyane Wade to hurry the F up.


Behind the scenes... Who really takes longer to get ready in your house? Be honest and tag the late bird in your life

A video posted by Gabrielle Union-Wade (@gabunion) on

If Lea Michele worked in your office she would be the person who tries to organize lunchtime yoga and group juice cleanses.


Rise and grind! @soulcycle πŸ˜€πŸ’ͺπŸ»πŸ’¦

A photo posted by Lea Michele (@msleamichele) on