Basic moms (like me) worry about Easter egg hunts while Beyonce is doing the first day of spring.
Mindy has inspired me to make these carrot cards, which I will definitely f-ck up. Her explanation for why she is making homemade crafts when she is an impossibly busy person is absolutely perfect.
Gwyneth’s UK mom group traveled to New York for a visit… I would definitely accept that invitation. Do you think she has them stay with her (if she still has a place in NYC), or springs for a hotel? How does that work with rich people - is it borderline offensive to pick up the tab on holiday? If the kids were at the same school, finances wouldn’t be an issue.
Lordy lordy Laura Jeanne is 40, y’all.
Kate Hudson, Nicole Richie and Jen Meyer go to a party… doesn’t matter what party, doesn’t matter what night. They all blend together at this point.
Al Pacino, that’s a good sighting. And I love that Ciara and Russell Wilson know it.
I’m behind on Better Call Saul this year, it’s stacking up on my PVR and giving me anxiety.
Further confirmation that the Bradley/Naomi breakfast was indeed just breakfast.
Twitter is 10 today – let’s celebrate with one of the GREATEST TWEETERS OF ALL TIME.
My tweets are a form of contemporary art only compromised by people trying to tell me what to tweet and not to tweet...
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) March 14, 2016