Brooklyn Beckham is 17 – how is this possible? Also he has a cooler job than any of us.


Thank you Christopher and all my friends @burberry X

A photo posted by Brooklyn Beckham (@brooklynbeckham) on

Why doesn’t Alejandro tell Monica’s story? Now that’s a struggle.

The American Idol over/under on JLo’s outfit choice.


fun game we started backstage at Idol...coconut is white so I win, right?

A photo posted by Ryan Seacrest (@ryanseacrest) on

Throwback to The Hunger Games. I bet there was a lot of sex happening on that set.

Meredith Grey’s Formation.


Ok east coast lets get in formation @greysabc @therealdebbieallen @seekellymccreary video by @therealkmckidd

A video posted by Ellen Pompeo (@ellenpompeo) on

This may be the perfect Twitter joke.

Let’s close this week out the same way we started it – with #wolves!


#oscar #night #wolves what a night!

A photo posted by Vinny Laresca (@vincentlaresca) on