Of course he couldn't resist the "you look familiar" bait. He loves telling people he's Scott Eastwood. But if someone has to ask, do they really know who you are? (And checking on free sunglasses on social media isn't cute.)

For someone who chills out so much, Justin is really burnt out.


A video posted by Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) on

Zac is giving Tom Hardy some manspreading competition here.



A photo posted by Zac Efron (@zacefron) on

Tori Spelling has partnered with a psychic hotline. Wonder if they’ve given her the heads up on The Deaner (c/o Michael K at Dlisted).

Nick Kroll throws subtle shade at Vin Diesel. I think Vin's response will be a Bad Blood lip synch video.

When the NBA meets Entourage.


Would still like to see this starting five out there

A photo posted by Doug Ellin (@mrdougellin) on

This looks like a photo from an 80s hot rod calendar.


A photo posted by Patrick Dempsey (@patrickdempsey) on

Honestly these swans/flamingos are not as carefree as they look, it's hard to get on and off. Taylor Swift made it all look so easy.


Instructional video how to get off a flamingo raft #roadmanager vid cred

A video posted by @amyschumer on

Victoria Beckham designed Eva Longoria's wedding dress. Love the simplicity, especially up top, and the fit is impeccable. Why do wedding dresses always have to have so much going on? The more the adornments, the more the cut seems to suffer. Like all the flash is supposed to make up for spillage up top.

If you want to feel old and uncool, watch this video of Zoe Kravitz dancing at a house party. Remember those?


πŸ“Ή: @mosessumney is sneaky and I like It. 🏑 parties are the best kind of parties. πŸ‘ŒπŸΎ

A video posted by Zoë Kravitz (@zoeisabellakravitz) on