John Mayer thinks Miley is a whack genius.

Kate and Britney have a few things in common: hair colour, children and JT. Remember Kate’s flirtation with Justin? He could never handle her.


A photo posted by Britney Spears (@britneyspears) on


There were a few musicians at Donova Leitch’s wedding. Is that Sebastian Bach?! Yes, it is. And he’s on Instagram.


Leah and JLo in Las Vegas. How did JLo approve this photo? It’s so dark.


The girls dine. @egt239 @jlo #Reunited #NyLaVegas

A photo posted by Leah Remini (@leahremini) on


This cake is made out of mashed potatoes and topped with fried chicken. As Liz Lemon would say, “I want to go there.”


I’d vote for Amber Rose over Kanye West.


#amberroseslutwalk 😍😍😍🙌

A photo posted by Amber Rose (@amberrose) on


Gwyneth’s body has been infiltrated by negative chi and hazardous biomaterial (she has the flu). The only cure for this is a sauna, Ina Garten’s homemade, hand-delivered chicken soup, and a 45-day detox and purification cleanse.


All contagion aside... Going to hit it with heat #fluday5 #infraredsauna #clearlightsauna #iwilltryanythingatthispoint

A photo posted by Gwyneth Paltrow (@gwynethpaltrow) on