What do lyrics and music by Jeremy Renner sound like?


Working at home today on a new song...got some help! #music #holidays #daddytime #piano

A photo posted by Jeremy Renner (@renner4real) on

We can’t bring a bottle of water on an airplane but Derek Hough is allowed to stand on the wing.


LA to New York

A photo posted by Derek Hough (@derekhough) on

Kaley Cuoco erased her ex husband with this… bird? Moth? I can’t tell what it’s supposed to be.



A photo posted by Kaley Cuoco (@kaleycuoco) on

I care less about whether or not the bird is real than what is going on with her feet.


NO: This is not the opening scene in Dumb & Dumber YES: That is a real Seagull

A photo posted by Blake Lively (@blakelively) on

The more that Leo seems like a lock for The Revenant, the less likely I think it is that he’ll have a date on the red carpet. As we know, he brings his mom. He only broke that tradition once, for Gisele. Sorry Kelly.


headed home for the holidays 😀😀😀 ✈️✈️✈️

A photo posted by @kellyrohrbach on

Avocado margarita? Really? Isn’t that just a smoothie with tequila?


My big sis got me niiiiice and toastyyyyy fo my bday :) @brandicyrus fuck yeah #avocadomargaritas

A photo posted by Miley Cyrus (@mileycyrus) on

This Black Friday, please don’t trample a granny for a pair of red platform Jessica Simpson wedges.


Excited for #blackfriday! I always love being on set with @macys #shoptilyoudrop @jessicasimpsonstyle

A photo posted by Jessica Simpson (@jessicasimpson) on