Leo’s boys have been posting photos all over Asia, so I can only assume that they have joined him in India, where he met with environmentalist and activist Sunita Narain. He rarely posts photos of himself on Instagram so you know he’s being serious. It’s nice to see him on vacation minus the yacht/model entourage.

A+ print mixing from Diane Kruger.


You know when an outfit tells you, you can take the girl out of Germany but you can't take Germany out of the girl...

A photo posted by Diane Kruger (@dianekrugerperso) on

For the Peggy lovers out there (and I know there are many) who miss Elisabeth Moss.


Another day at the office. #TheBleeder photo: @sfscissorhand

A photo posted by Elisabeth Moss (@elisabethmossofficial) on

At this point doesn’t it feel like there have been like a hundred Hunger Games movies? Well this is the very last one! (Until they reboot the franchise in 5 years with the children of all the Katniss/Peeta/Gale.)


#mockingjayberlinworldpremiere photo credit: @liamhemsworth

A photo posted by Elizabeth Banks (@elizabethbanks) on

Xavier Dolan (the director of Adele’s Hello) and Jessica Chastain are working together on The Life and Death of John F. Donovan. Kit Harrington is also in this movie, so I’m just going to go ahead and Gossip Genie that. Sorry, Jon Snow/Ygritte fans.


"Dont worry dear, drink your tea..." @xavierdolan #badassbitches #TheDeathandLifeofJohnFDonovan

A photo posted by Jessica Chastain (@chastainiac) on

Katie Holmes is very Zen in the face of intergalactic fighting.


Check out @alternahaircare 's Instagram tomorrow. I'll be taking over! #KatieTakeover

A photo posted by Katie Holmes (@katieholmes212) on

Are you watching Jane the Virgin? There is no sophomore slump, it’s quite an accomplishment. But I don’t know if I’m rooting for Michael or Rafael. It’s so emotionally confusing.


come back soon @hereisgina, loved having u :)

A photo posted by Ryan Seacrest (@ryanseacrest) on