This is what Salma Hayek considers a bad hair day.


Sometimes I just don't know what to do with my hair. #hair

A photo posted by Salma Hayek Pinault (@salmahayek) on

Drew Barrymore’s Flower Beauty won an award from Allure which is actually pretty big deal in that industry. Maybe it’s really good?

Kate Moss is photographed by the heir to her partying throne, Cara Delevingne.


SUPER KATE! πŸ”₯ Photo take by myself πŸ“· #KateMoss @mertalas #selfieswap

A photo posted by Cara Delevingne (@caradelevingne) on

I’m into Nashville again, particularly Deacon’s liver and Juliette’s post partum depression.


The girls and I would like to welcome you back to Nashville...TONIGHT!!@lennonandmaisyofficial @nashvilleabc

A photo posted by connie britton (@conniebritton) on

Brooklyn Beckham checking off the “celebrity DJ” box at the anniversary party for his mom’s store.



A photo posted by Brooklyn Beckham (@brooklynbeckham) on

Why not Sarah Silverman? I’m sure she smells as good as any of them.


I want my own fragrance. Can someone get on this? Thanks

A photo posted by @sarahkatesilverman on

Swift’s splits.


Doing splits with @toddyrockstar backstage tonight in KC #bonding

A photo posted by Taylor Swift (@taylorswift) on

Now that I’ve seen another angle of Allison Williams’ dress I can definitely say it’s not my favourite. It’s very old fashioned, but not in a classic way. It looks dated.

Liam Hemsworth is hot.


It's hot...

A photo posted by Liam Hemsworth (@liamhemsworth) on