The First Annual Drag Barrymore Pageant. I like Mimi Imfurst’s E.T.-era Drew best.
Um, John Mayer’s puppy!!!! He’s much more tolerable like this.
Apparently, Miley found this rescue pup for Liam. I love that she probably cares more about the dog than she does about him.
And my Alex Pettyfer crush is officially dead and buried. Let’s just forget the whole thing ever happened, OK?
See that photo credit? That’s not even good game. It’s too obvious.
Do you think Samuel L. Jackson had this t-shirt made, or do you think someone gave it to him? I love how he packed it for his vacation in Hawaii. “Honey, where’s my mother-cking purple Jules shirt?”
I want these The Mindy Project pencils!
Chelsea Handler said she’s going to stop doing boob shots on Instagram because she figured out that people are sick of them. So now she’s f-cking muppets. Edgy.