I saw this Chad Ocho tweet and thought he was just generally knowledgeable about nail polish. But he’s actually really into Rihanna’s feet, to the point of obsession. This is just a sample – there are many more.







I really don’t get how Sophia and Chad’s five month marriage still makes headlines – is it because of One Tree Hill fans? I was never into it, but I guess it’s like two cast members from Dawson’s Creek or Gossip Girl getting married. We would definitely still be talking about that. And it doesn’t help that these two seem to deeply dislike one another. During an interview with Andy Cohen, she said she is sick of talking about it. Sure. But when you talk about being forced to marry someone by the powers-that-be on your show, people are going to talk about it.


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Ben Affleck and Olga Kurylenko together again. Just for a photo this time. He really has a sh-t-eating grin. Like he got away with something.

Aaron Taylor-Johnson is still two years from 30. I always forget how young he is.


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Karl Lagerfeld shot Nicki Minaj for Elle – this shot of her with her hair stylist is my favourite. 


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I’m pretty obsessed with the Ariana Grande Pete Davidson engagement timeline – particularly the ring. And also how it works with the people around them, like her brother Frankie, who she is very close to. At the time of writing this, Pete follows Frankie, but Frankie doesn’t follow Pete on Instagram. But they did all go to Disneyland together. Maybe Frankie is just a little more cautious than his sister?

"Let it be stated here, unto forever and eternity, truffle oil is not food." – Anthony Bourdain