New issue of Hello Canada on newsstands tomorrow with an exclusive interview with French Canadian Cheese Celine Dion on leaving Vegas behind and going on the road with her beloved Rene and her precious Rene Charles. Every other word is “beautiful” and “happiness” and “singing” and “hearts”. Pure classic Celine.

And the photos – check out this one of Celine in the black leather cap. sh-t like that speaks for itself.

Also included – Celine at the World Music Awards in a killer sparkly dress and a half lunge onstage. Love it.

And what interview with Celine would be complete with mention of the baby in a test tube waiting for her when she’s ready? She says she actively chooses to discuss her personal life in public – just like Heather Mills who continues to talk smack about Paul McCartney and this box of secrets that will be revealed if she’s ever assassinated.

Sweet Xenu, it really doesn’t stop!