Dear Gossips,

Celine Dion performed for the first time in Vegas last night since the passing of her husband, René Angélil, and she dedicated the show, and the rest of her life and career, really, to his memory. I say this with no snark whatsoever – I feel like Celine feels more and harder than anyone else. And she shares those feelings so freely, so openly, it’s impossible not to be moved by her earnestness.

She opened last night with a quote:

"I understood that my career was in a way his masterpiece, his song, his symphony. The idea of leaving it unfinished would have hurt him terribly. I realized that if he ever left us, I would have to continue without him, for him."

Duana and I were talking about this a few weeks ago, exactly what she shares in those words – Celine will never love another, and she’ll never want to.

Click here to watch the first part of the tribute from last night.

Yours in gossip,


PS. Sasha Answers is now a podcast! We posted our first ever LaineyGossip podcast yesterday. Click here to listen.