Check out Charlie Hunnam yesterday on the set of the final season of Sons Of Anarchy. It’s a fight scene between him and Jimmy Smits. So this is where it ends. How does Jax cope with the loss of his anchors? With both (SPOILER ALERT) Opie and Tara gone, who is Jax now? They were necessary decisions. And I particularly appreciate Sutter’s decision to take Tara out, like, RAW. And by the most complicated, most controversial, most interesting person on the show.
That might have brought me back as a fully engaged, fully absorbed viewer for the last act. Because for a couple of years now, I’ve only watched SOA as kind of a …distraction, not the main event.
OK but this was only an excuse to watch the video again. Again?
Calvin Klein kept pulling it down and then putting it back up, but now, I think, this is where we stay. Reveal.