Aside from her personality, that is. Here are Charlize and Stuart at the Laker game the other day, awfully lovey dovey for a couple that claims to shun the spotlight. I hear Stuart is over the moon about getting back together, especially since rumour has it, she wants to start trying again. Uh huh. Bet your boob job you"ve heard that one before. Anyway, as much as I can"t stand the constipated bitch, I will admit Charlize is a fine looking woman. With very good footwear. However, she does have an Achilles heel. And that is her hair. The girl has a sucky mane. It"s limp and flat and it doesn"t appear to grow past a certain length and what"s with the straight on the top, low classy frizzy on the bottom??? If anyone is in need of a few expensive, un Jessica extensions, it"s Charlize Theron. Because right now, those locks are ass. Period.