Am sad.

Love Harry and Chelsy.

But it’s over again. For now.

Word is she made the call. Tired of waiting around for him while he’s up to his shenanigans in the army, desperately hoping to move back to Africa, willing herself to focus on her own studies, her own career, Chelsy broke up with Harry even though they’re both still in love…

The timing is wrong.

At least that’s the “official” reason.

It’s been circulating for ages how much ass Harry hits on the side. Discreetly, of course. But there is ass. And she’s tired of it.


She’s just playing it beautifully. Let him come back when he’s had his action. Let her be the one who left who he will never forget. It’s not the infidelity that’s the problem – when you marry royalty, this comes along with the program, non? – it’s the indecision…

She’ll wait him out. I expect nothing less. Girls like Chelsy are in it for the win.

But maybe less foundation? Chelsy is smiling and happy for the paps, sending Harry a strong orange message – good girl.

Click here to see more pictures of Chelsy.

Photos from and Source