Coach hosted a party last night in honour of the brand’s new spokesperson Gwyneth Paltrow. She wore an orange dress and clashed it with red shoes. I normally hate red shoes. But I love red shoes when paired with an orange dress. I might have to rip this off.
Gwyneth was joined inside her event by Mario Testino, all kinds of Euro elite, and some royalty too. Like her friends, Princess Rosario of Bulgaria and Princess Marie-Chantal of Greece. I wonder if she invites them over to make pizza for them in that oven she has in the back garden. Princess Rosario was once Gwyneth’s date at the Oscars. They sat front row. Gwyneth was only a presenter that year. You know.
Anyway, Gwyneth’s husband Chris Martin, lead singer of Coldplay, of course, was also present though you wouldn’t know it from the photos taken inside the event. He declined. And then, when it was time to go, he left after she did, all hooded and grumpy, running from the paps only to meet up with his wife down the block around the corner, hopping in the car quickly so that they could avoid being shot together...
I just think the more you try NOT to give up that elusive picture, the more they’ll try to shoot it. Like, I get it that they don’t want their marriage to be offered up for public consumption. Sure, no problem. But going to such extra efforts seems not only like it’s too much of a pain in the ass but also like they, or he, care(s) about it to an extent that, well, I think is unnecessary.
He’s RUNNING DOWN THE BLOCK TO JUMP INTO THEIR CAR so that he doesn’t have to walk down the street with her. You’re the lead singer of a rock band!!! And this isn’t...weird??? And petulant? And childish? That may actually be her greatest accomplishment: living with his goddamn ego.
Photos from and Dave M. Benett/Nick Harvey/