Arguments for:
-Guardians Of The Galaxy, and it came out in August! Not May, not June, not July…but August! It sounds absurd to say it now, but people were surprised at how it performed. And it did perform, making Chris Pratt a STAR
-He’s going to follow that up with Jurassic World; that’ll be another monster.
-It’s his time. He waited. He worked, patiently. He did the right things. He had a good attitude along the way. He deserves everything he has, he really does.
-And he’s funny! His press circuit interview game through promotion for Guardians was textbook charm and goofy appeal.
-No scandal
-Happily married. Family man. And it can’t be said enough, so so SO nice
-Plus…you’ve all seen that movie star body he put together for himself
Arguments against:
-I don’t have any. That’s why he’s my prediction.
Odds: 3 to 1
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