As I wrote last week, I am really, really enjoying seeing Christian Bale working on a movie where he can resemble himself, at least physically - no weight loss or gain, no mask, no period costumes, in modern street clothes without any transformational assistance to get into character.
Here he is with Cate Blanchett yesterday in LA working on Terrence Malick’s Knight Of Cups. Malick is the one in the hat wearing light pants. As is always the case with Malick movies, no one really knows what the film is about. Maybe not even the actors. Sometimes the actors think they’re in the movie and don’t even know they were cut out of it until the premiere. See Adrien Brody. Also Malick is a notoriously slow worker. So, you know, this film might not actually be released for another 5 years.
If and when it does, it may also include young British actress Imogen Poots who’s been appearing on all the “ones to watch” lists. Bale shot with her this week too. So far that’s Bale with Natalie Portman, Poots, and Blanchett…if that gives you any idea at all with a story to work with.
Click here to see more shots of Bale and Poots.