From MS in Toronto: personal Clive
unfortunately I don"t have great story to go with this, but here is a picture of our Freebie 5: Clive Owen. This is taken last Saturday night at The Social. All I can say is that I papparazzi"ed his ass and finally caught a pic of him by holding my hand up high into the crowd. I will always find him loin quivering, but I must mention two things. First, he was abnormally tanned and second, he had a "pocky" marked face. Shame I say. Still Clive Owen nonetheless.
Dear MS,
Thank you for sharing. With me and with the rest of the hungry horndogs who fever for Clive. I’m with you though. The mystic tan isn’t workin’ for me. Can’t think of anything more unsexy than a rough and tumbler who fakes and bakes. Kinda takes away from the whole “ugly hottie” vibe. Still, I’m happy to hear he has pock marks. I always imagine him with less than smooth skin when we’re in bed, growling dirty words at me in his English accent. Your confirmation only completes my picture. I appreciate it.