I wrote about Christmas Lights twice yesterday. It’s because I’ve been thinking about them a lot. About that time of year I keep going on about when being optimistic seems...easier. I guess it really started when I was in London a couple of weeks ago. I’d never seen the Christmas lights on Oxford and Regent Streets before. One night I had no plans and spent a couple of hours walking around the area, with a quick stop in to Mother Mash for mashed potatoes, gravy, peas, and a meat pie. It was perfect.
I felt like I was in Love Actually. Do you do that? Pretend you’re in a scene from a movie? Love it so much. But I understand if you don’t want to admit it.
So then today there’s an email when I wake up about Coldplay. There’s a new song. It’s called Christmas lights. It will be released on December 1st. The message and the presumed single cover are below. From the title it sounds like a song they’ve been working on for a while. During a 60 Minutes interview last year, Chris Martin played a few bars of it. The video is below. Fast forward to 1:05.
I’ve always liked his rendition of Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas. There was one year I was very homesick for Toronto. And I played it over and over and over again.
Source Coldplay