The dress. It’s certainly not safe. And likely not popular. But I don’t know. Somehow, on this night, for this occasion, on EVA GREEN…it worked for me. I mean the Queen was coming and there’s a controversial new Bond (why??? Daniel Craig is the hotness – have you seen Layer Cake???) and she’s the woman who captures his heart – needless to say, a little black dress just wouldn’t cut it. Besides, there’s something about this girl, don’t you think? Maybe it’s the coquettish look in her eye, or even the eyes themselves… You whiteys are so lucky, you know. You get to have eyes of different colours, of indistinguishable colours, eyes that change with the light, eyes like Eva Green, eyes that suggest something wanton underneath the grown up dress and the upswept hair. Doesn’t Eva Green look like a girl who can get down and dirty without being skanky? It’s a rare gift, no wonder they picked her, and I can’t wait to see it…