Daniel Craig is on promo for The Golden Compass but as you would expect, he’s also being asked about the next Bond. Daniel says he’s just started training again but that he will focus less on weights this time and more on cardio so to avoid what he calls the “no neck” look from last time.
Wasn’t a fan of the No Neck either but still… Daniel Craig is the quiveration no matter what.
But did you know Daniel Craig is a father? To a teenager?
In a new interview with The Times, Daniel discusses love and family, specifically his relationship with girlfriend Satsuki Mitchell.
"I couldn"t get through (the pressures of fame) without her. You"ve got to have a sense of perspective and she gives me that. It"s a strain on a relationship because we are never in one place and there"s never a lot of time. I have to fight for that, and for my family. It"s a struggle, but I couldn"t do it without having that closeness to somebody. Being on your own would be sad, sick and weird. I don"t trust myself. I need that balance, it"s crucially important. And we"ve been to some amazing places. I remember one night we were in this sky bar at the top of a beautiful hotel having a drink looking out over Beijing and just being blown away. You have to have someone to share this stuff with. We got a private viewing of the Sistine Chapel. A fantastic guy took us around and told us the history of all the paintings. How cool is that? I said to Sats, "We have to remember this."
He calls her Sats. Why do I love that? As for whether or not his sensitive words are full of sh*t like John Mayer and the new love rat Michael Buble… I think not.
Am told Daniel was indeed intensely uncomfortable with superstardom once Bond broke– at one point he was so weirded out in his hotel he wouldn’t answer to anything but an alias and was afraid to leave his room. Word is Satsuki mellowed him out. And from what I saw of them together at Cannes – click here for a refresher - he is not exaggerating his devotion to her.
Photos attached – see how he grips on to her hand and holds it behind his back? This is how he walks a carpet, this is how he walks a press line, he will NOT let go of her. At once almost boy-ish, like a man who needs something secure to hold on to, and at once proprietary, like a man who is owning a possession, when you observe them in person it really is the hottest thing ever. He adores her. Lucky bitch!
And if you haven’t already had the pleasure, click here and here for Daniel’s adorable appearance last week on Jonathan Ross.
PS. In real life “Sats” is stunning.
Photos from WENN