Oh look. Daniel Radcliffe is back in spectacles wearing a scarf. Not THOSE spectacles, not THAT scarf...
Here he is in New York on the set of Kill Your Darlings in costume with his hair curled as Allen Ginsberg. James Franco, of course, was the last to play Ginsberg in Howl. I loved him in that film. He was so... restrained. Like the Artist decided to remove himself from the actor’s ass, allowing for a subtle, nuanced performance. Also, Franco as Ginsberg was required to be clean-cut and good-looking instead.
Anyway, like Howl, Kill Your Darlings is also an independent film. This time the story is about Radcliffe’s Ginsberg, Jack Kerouac, and William Burroughs brought together by a murder in 1944. Speaking of killing your darlings, I wonder what Faulkner would have said about fan fiction.