Tina Fey created 30 Rock. Tina Fey produces, writes, and stars in a show just anointed Emmy winner for Best Comedy. As such, Tina Fey is the quintessential example for strong women in showbiz: that you can be smart without sacrificing sexy and without sucking someone off

Tina Fey delivers the word. And you will recall, Tina Fey openly, without hesitation, went on Howard Stern and called Hollywood Ebola Paris Hilton a PIECE OF sh-t.

Apparently the Foo Fighters Dave Grohl agrees. In his words:

“Paris is f*cking lame. She’s more offensive to me than anything. She’s a total raging, disgusting, rich, lazy party slut.”

It’s those with talent who can’t stand her the most, see?

Here’s the lazy party slut last night losing her foot coming back from – what else – a night on the town. Cancer will always kill. AIDS will always ravage. Diseases don’t change. Paris will never change. Remember that.
