Does it seem like a long week? It’s been dragging on forever, non?
Here’s a little treat to get you to Friday. Speaking of treats – Marcus had minor surgery 2 weeks ago and was doped up on morphine, knocked right out, sleeping under the covers in our bed. By mistake I said the word “treat” when deciding if I should order take out. Half a second later, the little f*cker is at my feet giving me the mooch eyes. Beagles are good at food.
Anyway… back to our treat…
Check Becks in LA on Daddy duty with Romeo and Brooklyn (not pictured) while Cruz is with Posh in New York on tour. So far with the absence, David is behaving. But word is he is getting impatient that his wife isn’t around and it’s this kind of emotional blackmail (a consistent in their marriage) that is pressuring her to cut the reunion early.
Totally makes textbook sense. Painfully insecure, married to the world’s most desirable (and occasionally unfaithful) man, it’s easy to revere the softspoken super athlete husband and vilify his ostentatious wife, to label him the puppet and her the master when in reality, he probably controls her with his golden balls.
But how about his golden ass? Remember that quivering W Magazine photo spread? Here’s an extra shot that ended up in outtakes, only Xenu knows why.
Also attached per your many requests – lazy ass Marcus extremely displeased at having been woken five minutes ago by his dad (yeah, we"re pathetic like that) to go out for his business. It is currently noon on the West Coast. My boy has a steel bladder.
Photos from TFS