There’s Pitt Porn…and then there’s the poor second cousin. The pretenders.

The Beckhams.


To borrow from Harry and Sally, star porn is like pizza. It’s never bad. And when the Pitts aren’t around, the Beckhams are certainly a fine substitution. Like a turkey burger, you know what I mean?

Thanks to Lynsey for sending this along – “behind the scenes” footage from the Beckhams’ fragrance ad, undoubtedly completely vetted by the Posh herself to make sure to include ONLY the sexiest shots of her husband wanting her and of course most flattering angles.

Flattering = skinny as sh*t.

Look how she gets to maul him, freely sliding her hands all over his body. Gah!

Look how he touches her, how he grabs her neck, how he puts his fingers in her hair. Gah!

Look how they rub noses, how he lifts her off the ground, how it ends with a soft lingering kiss. Gah!

Makes me achy.

Enjoy. Or suffer.