Have been riding the Demi Ashton love train for a while now. Demi and Ashton make sense. Right and perfect. Even more so now since silly schoolgirl Michael Phelps daydreams rule my life. Only problem – few of us infant-coveting cougars have Demi’s genes. Yes, yes, and money and her surgeon too.

But Madonna has money. Nicole Kidman has money. Neither of those two come close to Demi’s cosmetic accomplishments.

Demi’s work is the best work, non? Like, barely, barely noticeable, if at all. Amazing.

That skin – it’s flawless without being frozen. The body – thin, athletic, womanly, not starving, and no popping veins. The hair – luscious and thick, not fried, no weave, and the warmest richest colour from the most expensive exclusive bottle.

It takes a lot of work to age so effortlessly well.

For Demi though, obviously, totally worth it. Ashton is enthralled with her. It’s been over 5 years, considered a long time in their business, and it’s as authentic as they come.

It is humanly impossible for me to love any human beings more than Demi and her kids. Ashton Kutcher

Hot, non?

Photos from Splashnewsonline.com

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