Defending Demi"s Knees
In light of the report today in the UK Daily Mail, perhaps it"s timely to revisit a post from the past - an article I wrote in 2004 after British tabloids first starting yammering about her alleged and expensive cosmetic enhancement.
40 might be the new 30 but it don"t mean it"s not hard work.
At the time, Demi was promoting Charlie"s Angels 2 and after a couple of years in seclusion in Idaho, she re-emerged not only re-energised with a brand new younger beau but also re-slimmed, as illustrated beautifully in that beach bikini scene when she comes out of the water, wet and wild and draw droppingly fit.
Check out the before and after. First - Demi in 2001, not unattractive but decidely different from what you see next door.
It"s a graphic from one of the clever rags, breaking down the work and the cost associated with each procedure.
Brilliant, non?
Ok. So she"s probably had some help. Probably a LOT of help.
But still...who cares? The result is gorgessity. And I can tell you from when she was in Toronto in September for TIFF - bitch doesn"t look a day over 28. And not in a bad way either.
Demi Moore glows. She doesn"t look frozen (hello Kidman), she doesn"t look bloated (hello Presley), she doesn"t look fake but she does look un-frickin-believable.
And given that she has to keep up with the hotness that is Ashton - minus the nasty ass clumps of sprout on his face - I say giv"er.
When done right, surgery can be spectacular, savvy?