Denise spins & spins
Hasn’t been a good week for Denise. Already controversial, already not all that popular for her fantastical claims against Charlie Sheen mysteriously leaked to the press AND for hooking up with her ex BFFs man like 30 seconds after they split, Denise Richards has now added Injuring 2 Elderly Ladies to her growing list of transgressions.
Damage control in effect.
Pam miscarries and now all of a sudden, Denise’s explosive behaviour can be explained by the fact that she was trying to be a good friend and protecting Pam from the pappies?
Oh please.
L Ron Hubbard couldn’t have come up with a more pathetic attempt.
Flynet Pictures has a series of photos available from just moments before the attack incident and the agency indicates that the photos do NOT depict a sympathetic Denise consoling the heartbroken Pam but they do show the two women quote “having a TIFF” –-- is that the real reason behind Denise’s infamous rage?
Also from Vancouver – word is the production company has retracted their contention that the photographers were “unauthorised” on the property AND that they have settled (ie financially compensated) with Mr Fedyck for damages to his laptop
You tell me who’s at fault.