Diane Lane is on my husband’s Freebie Five. A rare moment of enlightenment for him…it must be rewarded.

Here is beautiful Diane at last night’s premiere of Nights in Rodanthe in New York with Richard Gere. She has a softness to her…something so sensual… and she looks sexy as all hell in the trailer. You know she’s 2 years older than Nicole Kidman?

Just saying.

But Richard is aging well too, non?

He’s 59, Diane is 43. Wouldn’t it be cool if middle aged romance was cool?

PS. Not sure where Josh Brolin is. Official word: he’s busy. Could be a huge season for him with W around the corner… or it could be a massive Fail. That’s how it goes with Oliver Stone. Rumour has it the pressure has been…stressful. No tingles just yet. Keep you posted.

Photos from Wenn.com