Young people at a community centre in Harlem yesterday were exploited by Dina Lohan when she dropped in with cameras to shoot a segment featuring the child she’s currently pimping – Ali Lohan. A reminder: Ali Lohan is 14. As you can see, there is nothing 14 about this child.
No idea what the scene involved but Dina dragged her mother out along with them, just to make sure everyone in the family is properly used. From old people to young people and everything in between, this apparently is the idea behind Livin’ Lohan – her new reality tv show that will surely become the handbook for all parents dying to prostitute their children.
And you know they’re out there.
The problem of course is that it’s never about the kid…and always about the adults. It is always about Dina. And it was all about Dina yesterday as she lit it up for the cameras, dancing as though she had had a chance herself to make it in Hollywood, swinging her hair to and fro, completely usurping Ali who was supposed to be there bonding with people her own age.
Ali meanwhile was preoccupied with staring at the paparazzi, making sure they were still interested. Word is, several times she had to be spoken to to “focus” on what they were doing – so captivated was she by the fact that she was being photographed, the famewhore seed already sprouting and thriving under Dina’s good tutelage.
Can’t wait for the Lohans to scrap it out in rehab over the same dude. Don’t think we’ll have to wait long… maybe 18 months?
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