Remember this? Not for the prudish – consider yourself warned.

At the beginning of the year, Page Six reported that Dina Lohan was making out hardcore with some dude in the middle of the restaurant and that he was manually stimulating her underneath a table napkin…do you LOVE it???

Parental Pimp Dina subsequently denied the story but given what she’s done with her children, what’s become of Lindsay, and what’s about to become of Ali Lohan who is 13 going on 40 skank, it’s safe to say, Dina was totally fingered in public. And she totally loved it!

Here’s Dina’s infamous spread from her Glamour interview during which she infamously talked about partying with Lilo and introducing herself to George Clooney as an assistant as opposed to a mother in a pathetic, deluded attempt to land the new King of Hollywood.


George Clooney would rather f&ck Fabio than go near Dina Lohan. Trust.