So Rosie and Barbara reportedly got into a scrap, Rosie called out her boss for being a bad girlfriend, for not having her back, for going half ass in defending her, and then Donald fueled the raging fire even more by sending a letter to Ro, commiserating about her Barbara betrayal, revealing that Barbara had called him last week to backstab her co-star and told him that Rosie would be out of The View soon. In other words, Barbara Walters is what my people call a Two Head Lying Snake. Needless to say, aware of what the "Woman Vote" would likely be thinking of her (click here for my post yesterday about Barbara"s sh-tty act of friendship ) Barbara came out swinging on the show today, calling Trump a "Poor Pathetic Man", followed by a high five from Rosie and Girl Power Bra Burning all around. Now maybe it"s just me...maybe I"m a petty unforgiving bitch, but is it too little too late? Not that it"s up to anyone but Rosie but still...suddenly abiding by Girl Code only when public opinion turns is almost as bad as not rolling with your girl from the very beginning. I mean, when you think about it, is it really considered friendship when you"re only doing it to save your own ass? Please. The way I see it, Barbara Walters is a Backstabbing, Backpedalling, Bad Friend. And also a Sell-Out. That"s all. TMZ