Joaquin & the Children
Giving back during the holidays – definitely good for at least a few quivers.
Check out Joaquin Phoenix recently, captured by writer/photographer Robert Brink at a charity event to distribute Christmas gifts. Having criticised Joaq in the past for shunning photos but not passing up on swag (to tell you the truth, I’m actually kinda surprised he’d be one to whore for free sh-t) Brink reports that he was quite pleasant this time ‘round, taking pleasure in helping disadvantaged youth bring home something fun for the holidays.
As for his own holiday fun, Joaquin was seen with a new woman the other day, identity unknown though judging by the size of her thigh, I’m thinkin’ it’s another model, perhaps the latest in a long line of models.
Trump, Leo, and Joaquin...
Because fame-hating, publicity-shy vegans modelise too.
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