Gorgeous Drew Barrymore showed up with big hair and a meh dress that thinks it’s cooler than it is last night to the Nylon + Express party in West Hollywood. Drew is on the cover of the current issue of Nylon and is also promoting her film Going the Distance, due in theatres August 27th which, well, is pretty much the weekend movies commit suicide. I have heard from several people who’ve seen it and they all came back with the same assessment: horrific. Maybe they all just have bad taste. Maybe I just have bad energy.

Oh you know The Energy. Drew is all about The Energy. The Spiritual Journey. It’s not “ambition”, it’s “passion”. It’s not “power”, it’s “inspiration.

Drew, you see, has “studied the dictionary”. And so she says she’s very “sensitive to the English language”. This sensitivity is why she deems “ugly” certain words like AMBITION and POWER and CAREER and SUCCESS. These words are not synonymous with Flower. Flower is about Togetherness. The Tribe. The Family. The Oneness.

Amazing, right?

Click here
to read Drew’s interview with The Telegraph. It’s really, really funny. Just me?

Photos from Wenn.com